What Is Prayer? (Part 1 – What the Bible says v. What we do)


I watched a movie recently about a woman who was trapped in outer space.  She had little knowledge of how to operate the equipment that could save her life.  She finally made radio contact with someone and asked this person to pray for her.  She said, “I would pray for myself, but I don’t know how.  No one ever taught me.” She was desperate.  She was certain that she was going to die.  She felt lost and hopeless.  It was heart wrenching.  That scene stayed with me.  I began to wonder how many other people all around me might feel that way.

It left me feeling so saddened.  How hopeless people must feel when they want or need to pray, but believe they can’t because they don’t know how…They think their only hope is just beyond their grasp.  That they must rely on someone else to pray for them and offer them hope.  This is simply not true.  You can pray, and God will hear you.  Prayer is not a special practice reserved only for those in ministry or who appear to be devout Christians.

Prayer is something that has taken a top priority in my life over the years.  It went from being my back up plan to being a way of life.  I read somewhere that prayer should be your steering wheel not your spare tire.  So true.  I’d like for us to talk about prayer.  What is it?  What does God say about it?  Are we doing it right?

(Disclaimer – I am not a Bible scholar.  I’m just a wife and a mother who has seen the power of prayer at work and want to share it with others.)

So, what is prayer?  Simply put, prayer is a conversation with God.  I can come to Him anytime, anywhere, and just talk to Him.  I talk to God just as I would talk to a dear friend or family member – after all, He is my Abba Father, my Daddy God.  I think some people are scared or intimidated to pray.  They don’t feel they are doing it “right”. They worry about using fancy words or worry about kneeling down.  The truth is there is no “right” way to pray as long as you are coming before God with a spirit that is seeking Him.  “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13, NIV

He is much more concerned with the condition of our heart as we come before Him than any big words we might use.  Our vocabulary does not impress God.  He wants our faith, our hope, our trust, and our love.  So, kneel, stand, lie down, drive your car, peel potatoes, or go for a run – you can pray while doing any of the above.  In the Bible, there are instances where people prayed bowing, standing, kneeling, and on their faces.  Eyes open or eyes closed, silently or out loud – He hears you.

As for your language, I do believe God wants us to be completely transparent before Him as we pray.  He knows what we are thinking and feeling anyway.  Why try to hide behind flowery words?  Yes, I agree there is a certain level of respect and honor we should use in our words to God, but we can let go of the need for propriety and just be humble before Him. “When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered only by repeating their words again and again.” Matthew 6:7, NLT

If you are mad at God, tell Him.  If you are heartbroken, tell Him.  If you are totally confused, tell Him.  If your heart is full of joy, tell Him!  We don’t have to hide anything from Him!  He already knows and He loves us anyway.  He wants you more than anything.  Present yourself to Him through prayer.  “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV

Another key principle prayer is to listen as well as speak.  God wants to let you know His will.  God wants to comfort your heart and flood your spirit with peace and joy.  Be still before Him.  Let Him and the Holy Spirit move within you.  I’m not saying God will always audibly speak to you (although I definitely believe He can if He chooses).  He does speak to us through His word, through our thoughts, through songs, and through other people.  Be open and alert to what God is trying to say to you.  Listen and you will hear.  “I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God.  Bend down and listen as I pray.”  Psalms 17:6, NLT 

Imagine what your relationship would be like with your spouse, your co-workers, your close friends, etc…if you never talked to them!  You would completely lose touch of what is going on in their lives.  You would grow distant and detached.  Your relationship would suffer.  It’s the same thing with God.  When we don’t talk to Him, we are missing out on so much!  He longs for you to come to Him.  He’s waiting patiently with a heart full of love for you to simply come just as you are in prayer.


“I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure, just as gold and silver are refined and purified by fire. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘These are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God.'”  Zechariah 13:9, NLT


Father God, thank you for the gift of prayer.  Thank you that we have the privilege of coming to You at any time, any place, and any where to praise You, thank You, and make our requests known to You.  Thank you for listening and for answering our prayers.  Help us to remember to spend time with You in prayer.  Help our hearts yearn for Your presence.  Help us put aside our busyness and our distractions to concentrate on You.  Bless our prayer lives God, and help us grow in You.  We love You and are honored to be in Your presence.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


What keeps you from having an active prayer life?  Is it time?  Do you forget?  Are you intimidated?  I created a special area in my home just for my prayer and Bible study time.  I call this my “Jesus chair”.  I keep my Bibles, journal, pens, etc…right beside my chair.  I also have a lamp, a special prayer shawl, and a scented wax warmer by my chair.  It makes the space cozy and inviting.  Everything I need is at hand, so I’m not up looking for a pen that works when I could be reading or praying.

Would a “Jesus chair” help you?  Maybe you need a different space.  Whatever your situation, I pray you can find a place in your life to make room for prayer.  Please share when, where, and how you like to pray.  We’ll talk more soon about why we pray and different ways we can pray.  Let’s grow together in Christ.


My “Jesus chair”


When Nothing Makes Sense


This past week has hit hard.  Every time I check Facebook or turn on the news, I seem to see more people suffering and hurting.  I know I was going to begin a mini-series on prayer, and I still am, but I need to process a few things first.

A portion of our state was recently devastated by killer storms.  I live in a small Southern state and in a small town.  I didn’t personally know any one who lost a loved one or a home.  However, the things about small towns and the South in general is that we all know someone who does.  We know someone who goes to church with them, or works with them, or is related to them.  We all have a connection.

I’ve read stories of a dad who died protecting his daughter, of parents who lost both of their children – at once, of a large family who is now smaller due to the horrific power of these storms.  The pictures are surreal.  It makes me want to thank God for our safety and cry for the losses of others all at once.  It makes me wonder how God can restore these losses and bring any kind of goodness and order to such tragedies.

We received word last night of a dear family who lost their daughter after her heart transplant, of another friend of our family who has a loved one battling cancer, of another friend whose tumors are growing, and the list seems to go on and on and on…My heart literally feels like it is going to break sometimes.  It gets so full that sometimes I don’t know if I can bear it.

Then…I remind myself that I don’t have to bear my burdens.  God will carry them for me, but I have to let them go.  He is waiting with arms outstretched to pick them up from my heart and hold them close to His.  Fine, that’s all well and good for me, right?  What about the others?  What about the momma that won’t get to see her baby grow up?  The momma that has to come home to that empty bed?  The parents who have to decide what to do with all of the things in their home that no one will use anymore?  What about the families who not only lost a loved one but lost their homes as well?  What about them???

I don’t know.  I do know this…somehow, some way, and at some time, they are going to have to make a choice.  They are going to have to choose to either lean hard in to the heart of God or continue to walk in the darkness of hopelessness.  Easy for me to say, right?  I’ve never had to make that choice under such devastating loss.  No, by the grace of God, I haven’t.  But, one thing I have learned over the years is that we are all one phone call, one text, one breath away from hitting our knees in desperation.  The story of your life can be rewritten in an instant.

As I prayed this morning, God reminded me yet again that He is faithful and good and sovereign.  He also reminded me that He has told us in His word that we will have sorrows, trials, and tribulations.  We don’t get to pick and choose, and God is not Santa Claus.  Sometimes in this life horrible, tragic things happen to good people.  If you think Satan isn’t delighted at this fact, you’re sorely mistaken.  He becomes even more delighted when he can use these things to further destroy people.  He relishes in making people angry, bitter, and resentful.  He loves using these events to shake their faith in God.

It’s hard to NOT be shaken.  You see these images and hear these stories, and you wonder, “Why?”  A wise woman once told me that we will never know peace until we stop asking that question.  Some things in life, we will never understand.  And when we are face to face with Jesus one day, I don’t think we are going to care to know.  But what about all of His promises?  What about all of the prayers you know these families and many others were lifting up on their behalf?  What about that???

I simply do not know.  God knows.  We have to make peace with that.  We have to believe that these children and for some their parents are sitting at the feet of Jesus right now – immune to any harm, suffering, or pain.  As for the ones left here on earth, we have to pray for God to grant them peace and comfort and strength.  We have to pray that God will help them make the choice to choose Him over the darkness.  We have to look for the good.  It may not come today, or tomorrow, or even a year from now, but it will come.  He says it will in Romans 8:28.  You either believe it or you don’t.

As for me, I have to believe.  Our world is broken; God is not.  Our circumstances change; God does not.  Satan means to harm us; God means to protect us.  I pray you can all believe in my God of Hope today.


“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Romans 15:13, NIV


Father God, we come to you today broken and shaken.  If we feel so hurt, how must You feel to see Your children suffer?  Remind us, God, of Your unfailing love.  Help us to stand firm in You and in Your word.  Let us be beacons of light and hope in a world that is in desperate need of You.  Let us never take our blessings for granted.  Let us use what we have to serve others in Your name.  Show us, Lord, how we can serve.  Give us the words to speak, the hands to give, and the faith to stand firm in You.  We love you, and we know You love us.  Help us to never doubt Your goodness.  Help us to remember to always be in prayer for those who are hurting.  We ask these things in Jesus’ holy name, Amen.


At times like this, prayer may seem like it’s not enough.  You may feel compelled to do more.  Seek out a way you can physically help.  Donate goods, donate time, donate money.  Put yourself in a position to serve.  Trust me, there are ample opportunities.  Pray that God will put the right opportunity in your path.  We are called to love our neighbors’ as ourselves.  How can you show love to your neighbor today?  Our world needs us to be beacons of hope.  They need us to show them that there is still good, there is still love, there is still grace.  How can you show that today?

The Most Important Job in the Church


I had the privilege of attending church this past Sunday with my older brother and his family.  He attends a church that worships in a lively and spirited style.  (I was raised in this denomination and moved my membership to a different denomination when I married my husband. I just love going to church as long as the Spirit of God is present regardless of denomination.)  His church is blessed with so much talent!  The musicians are amazing; the special songs were awesome; the new, young pastor delivered a wonderful resurrection message.  My daughter attended Children’s Church and said their service was also great!

I began to think about all of the different jobs that are needed to be filled in order for a church service to run smoothly and to carry out the order of service to allow us to worship and learn more about God.  It takes a lot of willing people.  It takes a lot of people willing to use their gifts.  It takes a lot of people making preparations during the week to be ready to go on Sunday morning.

I have no musical talent (however, my daughter is starting piano lessons; maybe I can pick up a thing or two from her).  When I sing in church, I keep my voice to that acceptable level that blends in with the rest of the congregation.  No, I really can’t carry a tune in a bucket.  I’m not a preacher by any means.  I have taught children’s classes in the past, but I don’t currently hold any job in the church.  Okay, I have volunteered to teach VBS this summer – that’s a little something I guess.

I got up from my pew feeling determined to apply my gifts (however small) to helping my local church reach our community both in and out of our church.  I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned to see a precious elderly lady.  With a broad smile, she told me how blessed she was to see my daughter in church this morning.  (My daughter has been battling cancer for over three years.)  She told me that she has been in daily prayer for my daughter and will always continue to pray for her.  She gave me a big hug and went on to enjoy her Easter lunch.

At that moment, I was reminded what my job was in the church.  It’s what all of us should do daily.  It’s the single most important thing we can do to not only grow in our walk with Christ but to also help others as well.  The most important job in the church is to pray.  Pray frequently; pray expectantly; pray in earnest.  The scripture tells us to pray without ceasing.  This is how we impact our lives and the lives of those around us – we pray.

Yes, the praise, worship, preaching, and teaching is of vital importance.  We, as a church, need these people in our lives to help us grow closer to God.  These people need us as well.  They need us to lift them up in prayer.  They need us just as much as we need them.  What would happen in our churches today if we spent time each week lifting up our church workers and volunteers?  We would have a revival of epic proportions!

Here’s a question for you – How many times have you told someone “I’ll pray for you” only to never have it cross your mind again?  When did that phrase “You’re in my prayers” become a meaningless response?  Prayer is vitally important and it is NOT something we should take lightly or use as a rote response.

I’m going to start a mini series on prayer – why we pray, how to pray, and ways to create a more meaningful prayer life.  I hope you will join me and be encouraged and strengthened in your own prayer life.  I’m no expert, but I am a person whose life has been dramatically changed through my own prayers and the prayers of others.


“Be joyful in hope; patient in affliction; faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12, NIV


Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for the privilege and gift of being able to come to you in prayer.  The right you have given us to access your throne, your ear, and your heart through our words is indescribable.  Please help us to use this precious gift effectively.  We want to be able to help our family, our friends, and ourselves through our prayer life.  We also want to use it to give You honor and praise.  Help us grow and mature in our prayer lives.  We want them to be powerful and have a bold impact in our lives and the lives of those around us – our church, our family, and our community.  We love you so and ask these things in Jesus’ precious, holy name.  Amen.


Do you have trouble remembering to pray?  Do you often forget to pray for someone whom you told specifically you would lift up in prayer?  There are many tips and techniques you can use to make your prayer list more memorable.  I, personally, use a couple of methods.  When I hear of someone in need of prayer, I try to immediately list their name and need in my phone’s Notes app or on a piece of paper.  I then transfer their name to my journal’s prayer list.

Another method I use is to pray immediately for the person.  If I bump in to someone at the grocery store, and I tell them I will pray for them, I pray as soon as I get in my car.  If I am scrolling through Facebook and see a request, I immediately stop scrolling and pray for that person and their need.  Sometimes the best way for me to remember is to not give myself time to forget.  What are your tips and suggestions for remembering to pray for others?  Please share your thoughts and comments as we grow together in our prayer lives.


Jesus Kept His Scars


As Easter is approaching, our minds turn to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.  I love this time of year and studying the events leading up to Easter morning.  We bake the hams, and color the eggs, and reflect on His pain and His triumph.  We eat deviled eggs and egg salad for the days following and look forward to warmer weather.

However, there is more to the story than death and resurrection. Yes, those are the most important parts without a doubt.  They are the basis of our salvation. But there is more…if you want to know more.  After He arose, He didn’t just ascend back to heaven to stay.  He returned to earth to visit those He loved and who loved Him.

According to one note in my Bible, Jesus appeared on 12 different occasions over the course of about 40 days.  One of my favorite accounts is in the book of John.  (As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been following a Bible reading plan that will allow me to complete the Bible in one year.  The plan divides the reading among OT and NT, so I don’t get bogged down in one book.)  The passage in John 20:19 – 30 really spoke to me as I read it.

Jesus had appeared to His disciples.  After he spoke to them, He immediately showed them His hands and His side.  The hands that had been nailed to the cross and His side that had been pierced with a sword.  Why would he do this?  He was Jesus.  They had all spent so much time together.  Wouldn’t they recognize Him?  He showed them His hands and His side because He kept His scars.  Jesus, the one who healed the leper’s skin and made the withered hand whole, kept His own scars.  He could have easily healed His own fleshly body and made it whole as well, but He didn’t.

He knew His disciples would need them.  He didn’t need them anymore.  He had already died and rose again.  His time in His earthly body could have been finished.  Yet, He knew the heart and mind of His disciples.  He kept the scars for them.  They needed to see them.  They needed to know beyond a doubt that He was who He said He was and that He did what He said He did.  The scars were His proof.  They were the evidence His disciples needed to believe without a doubt.

Thomas even says, “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were and put my hand into His side, I will not believe it.” (John 20: 24 – 25)  Jesus knew…He knew they needed those scars, so He kept them.  He used them to benefit His followers.  When Thomas put his fingers on Jesus’ hands and put his hand in Jesus’ side, he said, “My Lord and My God!”  Thomas needed to see those scars to believe.

We all have scars.  Some visible on our bodies and some hidden deep in our hearts.  Scars from physical hurts and scars from emotions so painful they may even bring tears to your eyes today.  Know this – Your scars are beautiful to God.  That surgery that left a mark on your body – it is beautiful.  That heart breaking relationship that left a scar on your heart – it is beautiful.  That betrayal that left your spirit crushed – it is beautiful.  He can use the scars left on you and in you to not only help you grow but to help you help others – just as Jesus used His.

Scars are a result of pain.  They have to be inflicted by cutting, breaking, and hurting.  They form thicker and more protective over our wounds.  They pucker and they stretch.  They come back discolored and sometimes jagged.  That spot will never be the same.  Yes, it has healed, but there is a permanent reminder left behind.  Why?

Maybe they are for us.  They serve as proof that we did survive whatever tried to hurt us.  We are stronger than we believed.  Life does go on despite the pain. We can look upon them as reminders of those times in our lives when we didn’t know how we were going to make it, but here we are.

Maybe they are for others.  We can share them and show them and say, “Yeah, see?  Me too.  I’ve been there, but here I am now.”  They are our proof, our evidence, to share with others that yes, we survived that divorce, that car wreck, that loss of a job, or that loss of someone so loved.

Scars are beautiful to God.  He designed our bodies to carry them.  We heal but not without a reminder.  Not without a keepsake.  I bet you see them on your body and in your heart.  You may not even remember how you got some them, but others…others you may remember all too clearly.  Use them.  Offer them up.  Let God know you are ready and willing to help yourself and others through your scars – just as Jesus helped Doubting Thomas.  You are stronger because of them.  Use it for His glory.


“They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost.  He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?  Look at my hands and my feet.  It is I myself!  Touch me and see…”  Luke 24: 37 – 39


Father God, we are so thankful for Your sacrifice that offered us the  way to salvation.  We thank you for the pain Jesus willingly suffered for our sins.  We thank you for His scars and for His wounds.  We know by them we are healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Help us use our own scars to help others – to further Your Kingdom.  Help our hearts and the hearts of our children look beyond the colored eggs and fluffy bunnies to the cross.  Let us never forget Your love for us – a love that is greater than all of our sins.  We thank You for that great Love, God.  We love you in return and we thank You for what You have done for us and for who You are to us.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


A few years ago, I began to seriously keep a journal.  I don’t write every day, but I do write often.  The pages are filled with notes, scriptures, song lyrics, lines from books and sermons.  They are also filled with some of the day to day events that we have faced over the last few years.  Sometimes I go back and re-read what I have written.  It is pure joy to see where we have been and where God have brought us through His love and grace.

My first journal was a gift, and it is so very pretty 🙂 Just know you don’t have to have “pretty”.  Get a legal pad, one of your kid’s old spiral notebooks, use the back of your grocery list – whatever you have, you can use.  Began to keep track of God’s Hand in your life.

Why is this important?  Because sometimes we forget.  Sometimes despite the scars, we don’t remember that victory, that answered prayer, or sometimes that horrible news.  We NEED to remember.  God wants us to remember His faithfulness and use it to help ourselves and to help others.  So…keep a journal…If you don’t know where to start, start with a prayer list – people and situations that you are lifting up to Him.  Or…write down things you are thankful to have in your life.  Your job, your children, your spouse…or maybe the soft breeze, the wagging tail of your favorite dog, the first taste of that morning cup of coffee…

These serve as your evidence that He is who He says He is…”My Lord and My God.”



No Ephod Required


I have a confession. (actually, I probably have many, but we’ll take it slowly for now…)  I’ve never read the Bible cover to cover.  Ever.  I’ve started plans and abandoned plans usually before I got out of Genesis.  I have read and studied my Bible daily for some time now, but never front to back.  This year, I made a commitment to actually start and finish it this time.  With the help of an awesome reading plan, I am happy to report that I am right on track!

It’s usually those OT books that bog you down – all those “begats” and descriptions of how to sacrifice different animals.  It can seems like none of it is relevant to us.  Give me some promises!  Give me some miracles!  Give me some stories I remember from Sunday School!  You can imagine my delight when something very relevant was revealed to me in the book of Exodus.

It hit me while I was out running one day.  I live in a very rural area.  When I run, it’s usually me and an assorted pack of dogs trucking it down some back roads near our farm.  I pray and worship a lot while I run.  If you live in a busy area, you should probably be a bit more cautious about this.  Thankfully, where I live the only traffic I see (besides the dogs) are typically tractors and an occasional farm truck.  I pretty much have free reign of the road.  I highly recommend it.

I was thinking of my morning’s reading about Aaron and the painstakingly elaborate details he and his sons had to follow to access God for the children of Israel.  Let me tell you – it was very specific.  The color of the thread used in their robes, the ephod, the lampstand, the ark – so many verses dedicated solely to the preparation of the Tabernacle, the priestly garments, and the preparation of the sacrifices.

Yet, here I am in sweaty old running clothes with a pack of dogs on a country backroad, talking to God!  Whoa!  I wasn’t running in an ephod!  I was free of all those requirements.  How?  By the blood of Jesus.  The veil has been torn.  We can freely enter in to His presence at any time and anywhere we choose. Thank you, God, for making it so easy for us!

So…why don’t we talk to Him more often?  If He is so accessible to us now, why don’t we make more time for Him?  I could understand if we had to kill an animal first.  That would take up a little more time, (plus, you might want to shower afterwards…) but we don’t have to do that…So, I challenge us all to put down whatever it is that is taking up your time (your electronic devices, your remote control, maybe even your child) and speak to Him.

I talk to God quite a bit more now than ever, but I don’t always go to a special place and kneel.  I pray when I wash dishes, fold laundry, drive, and shower.  I listen to my worship music and just talk to Him.  Sometimes I have specific requests, sometimes I am asking for guidance, and sometimes I am just thanking Him for being who He is.  He just wants us to want Him.  I can’t go without Him.  I need Him.  He wants you to need Him too.  Talk to Him.  He is your Father and longs to hear from you.

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every ocassion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers…” Ephesians 6:18, NLT

Our Prayer

God, help us to be mindful of our time and to be more aware of Your presence. We want to spend more time in prayer lifting up others and seeking You. Open our hearts and minds to things we can let go so that we can make more time for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I’ve got an awesome website/app to share with you today that will totally simplify your time with God even more!  It is totally free and can be accessed on your computer or other device.  Wait!  Wasn’t I just asking you to put those things down???  Yes, I was, but this will enhance your time with Him not distract from it and save you some money too! You can crush candy and update your status later…

It’s called Freegal. It’s through your public library. All you need is a library card and you can access thousands of songs for free! It’s totally legal to download them and save them on your phone or computer. Just visit http://www.freegalmusic.com or download the app in the App store. I have tons of songs on my phone that I can listen to anytime for free! Music is a great part of my prayer time. Make it part of yours too!
